jueves, 12 de marzo de 2009

Gender Bias Seen In Response To Common Antidepressant

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"Our grades proposition that slow-release biopolymer command of ACAT inhibitors may be considered as a likely strategy for the treatment and editing of Alzheimer's disease, alone or in society with statins," they wrote.

Researchers from the University of Michigan Depression Center and their colleagues from in circles the land tested the drug's capability to relief downturn patients realize remission, or ample relief from their symptom, in a multi-year study call STAR*D.

The gender difference emerge from a detailed analysis of background from 2,876 men and women who have a at self-rule diagnosis of upmost depression, and take citalopram complete many weeks, with the dose going conscious over juncture.

In the success rotten, women be 33 percent more authentic to achieve a filled remission of their depression, regardless of the legitimacy that women in the study were more exactingly depressed than the men when the study begin.

The study show no differences in share to men and women in players effects, the amount of time that patients jammed to taking the drug, or the amount of time it took for them to achieve remission of their symptoms.

The different findings, which be a symbol of the largest and best rigorous analysis ever of gender differences in response to an antidepressant, are published online in the Journal of Psychiatric Research.

Elizabeth Young, M.D., a professor and cohort stool of psychiatry at the U-M Medical School and co-conspirator of the Depression Center, is the study's front journalist. "Other studies clasp suggested that in that are differences between men and women in response to ambiguous antidepressants, but the praise have be reverse," she utter. "This study is big ample, and we were competent to dominate for enough complicating factors, that we consistency bubbly there is a true difference. These grades have clear implication for the clinical analysis of depression." Young and her colleagues, together with Susan Kornstein, M.D., of Virginia Commonwealth University, and John Rush, M.D., formerly of the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, conduct the analysis of data from men and women between the ages of 18 and 75, many of whom were one licentiousness with initial assurance physician and not psychiatrist. All of the patients had been experiencing depression for years, with the standard length of suffer around 12 years.

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